Frequently Asked Questions

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I have little/no previous writing experience. Are your schemes right for me?
Our packages are suitable for keen writers at any stage of their development, but we’ll only only match you up with a mentor if we feel you’re ready to make progress.

I’m a published writer and/or I’ve completed high-level creative writing courses. Are your packages suitable for me?
Our mentors have been selected for the quality and scope of their teaching and we’ll ensure you’re paired with a mentor whose experience best suits your needs.

What can I do if none of your mentors are located near me?
Our mentors also offer videocall sessions on various platforms, but if you would prefer to meet in person and cannot travel to any currently available location, you’re welcome to contact is at and we’ll see if we can secure a suitable mentor nearby. We’ll also be adding to our bank of mentors periodically as we expand the range of our programmes.

If I don’t choose a specific mentor or my preferred mentor is unavailable, how will a mentor be chosen for me?
Emma Claire Sweeney, Director of the Ruppin Agency Writers’ Studio, will offer recommendations based on her knowledge of our mentors’ areas of expertise. Emma’s many years working in creative writing teaching, lecturing and admissions make her well placed to find your ideal match, but you under no obligation to accept the mentor you are offered.

If I am not selected for the Full Mentoring & Editing Package, will I be told why?
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide feedback on unsuccessful applications.

Are there assessment criteria for your packages?
Places on these schemes are not restricted in number, and we will accept your application so long as we believe our services can help you to achieve your writing goals.

Who will assess my application?
Initial assessment will be conducted by Emma Claire Sweeney, Director of the Ruppin Agency Writers’ Studio. She may also consult with some of our other mentors, if required.

Can I submit my application by email or post?
All applications must be made via the online form. If you are experiencing difficulties, please contact us via

How should I format the sample of my work requested in the application form?
Please supply documents in 12-point, double-spaced text. We can only accept Word documents (.doc or .docx file formats).

Does the sample of my work need to be the opening to my book?
We recommend this as the best place to start, but if you’d rather submit an excerpt from another part of the book, you can do so. In this case, we ask that you use part of your word count to fill us in on anything you think we’ll need to know.

I’d like to apply for one of your programmes but they’re out of my price range. Do you offer any grants?

The Arts Council sometimes funds mentoring for writers through their Project Grants, so you may wish to investigate this option. Several writers we have menored have been successful in their applications to fund their projectsa.


Where will I meet my mentor?
Face-to-face meetings will always take place in a mutually agreed public place, at times and dates that suit you both.

How do videocall meetings work?
You and your mentor will agree a mutually convenient platform, such as Zoom, Skype or FaceTime, and times and dates that suit you both.

What will happen once I’ve been allocated a mentor?
Your mentor will have been briefed by us on you and your writing project and will have looked at your application. Your mentor will contact you via email to arrange a mutually convenient date, time and venue/platform for your first meeting. You’ll also agree a deadline for your first submission of writing to your mentor.

What will I be submitting to my mentor prior to each meeting?
You may choose simply to submit the next 5000 words of your book or a section from elsewhere in your draft. But you can also make up part of your word count with other material such as a plot outline, character notes or part of your book proposal. (For bespoke packages, arrangements may be different.)

Can I submit my writing to my tutor on paper?
All writing for feedback from your mentor must be submitted via email as a Word document (.doc or .docx format).

What should I expect from my monthly meetings?
As part of the first meeting, you and your mentor will review your goals for your package, something you’ll be able to revisit throughout the process. For this meeting and all others, your mentor will have read your submission and will supply brief annotations and a bullet-point summary. These will provide a starting point for your discussions, which focus entirely on your submission or take in broader issues, such as structuring or research. (Approaches may differ for bespoke and one-off sessions.)

Will my mentor help me find a literary agent or a publisher?
Your mentor’s role is to help you develop your writing and writing practices, but your mentor may feel able to offer book industry advice as well where appropriate.

If my package includes a meeting with a literary agent, what should I expect from this session?
This hour-long session is principally intended for feedback and advice on a draft submission package to literary agents, consisting of a cover letter, a synopsis and the opening chapters (up to 5000 words) to the work. For non-fiction, you can supply a chapter summary and other sections of your proposal instead or as well, up to 5000 words. The agent’s written notes and advice during the session will focus on your book’s suitability and potential appeal to literary agents. You’ll also be able to discuss the current market and the publishing industry more broadly.

Will the literary agent offer to represent me?
The agent will not offer representation at your meeting. The submissions procedure is a separate process. To submit to The Ruppin Agency, see here or see the website of the agent you are meeting. We do, however, strongly advise holding off on making a submission until the work is fully developed.


How do I pay for my mentoring package?
We accept payment by bank transfer only. If you’re not paying from a UK bank account, we recommend you use TransferWise. For fees due for each package, see our Fees page. (Bespoke programmes are quoted individually.)

When do I pay for mentoring package?
Once your application has been accepted, you’ll be sent a contract and invoice. Payment is due within 10 days.

Can I pay in instalments?
Payment is due in full straight away.

Do I have to pay VAT?
In the vast majority of cases, there is no VAT due on our fees. A small number of our mentors may charge VAT for services, in which case there would be an additional amount due: we will let you know if this applies to your preferred mentor when you apply.

If I decide I don’t want to continue with my mentoring, can I get a refund?
If you change your mind within 14 days of signing your contract, you are entitled to a full refund. After this time, no refunds will be offered, except for extremely limited circumstances outlined in your contract. Please make every effort to ensure that you are available to make best use of your mentoring opportunity.


If you have any other questions or concerns at any stage of the application or mentoring process, please contact us:

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